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Mosaic Keys KONTAKT

The Mosaic Series was conceived to keep composers creative: Each instrument features a unique set of foundational elements, designed to be combined and layered into lush, cinematic textures. Mosaic Keys explores the sonic warmth of electric keys, delivering moving synthetic keyboards, organic found sounds, and effectual sound design elements.

Mosaic Keys KONTAKT

Featuring over 130 snapshots designed by the Heavyocity team, Mosaic Keys re-envisions electric keys: Empowering composers to quickly and easily layer lyrical melodies over rich, cinematic soundscapes and pulsing rhythmic beds. With over 5 GB of production-ready content, Mosaic Keys will invigorate your toolkit of keys, pushing the traditional forward into a complex scoring tool.

The Mosaic Series was conceived to keep composers creative: Each instrument features a unique set of foundational elements, designed to be combined and layered into lush, cinematic textures. Mosaic Keys explores the sonic warmth of electric keys, delivering moving synthetic keyboards, organic found sounds, and effectual sound design elements.

Synthetic Keys Featuring over 130 snapshots designed by the Heavyocity team, Mosaic Keys re-envisions electric keys: Empowering composers to quickly and easily layer lyrical melodies over rich, cinematic soundscapes and pulsing rhythmic beds. With over 5 GB of production-ready content, Mosaic Keys will invigorate your toolkit of keys, pushing the traditional forward into a complex scoring tool.

Mosaic Engine Mosaic Keys does offer a truly dynamic set of electric keys content, but the real power of the instrument comes in the thrilling combinations created by layering these sources across the Mosaic Engine's three channels. Rhythmic, lyrical, sparse, emotional, eclectic. The possibilities are truly endless -- especially considering Mosaic Keys contains 130 carefully-crafted Snapshots to get you started.

With all the included presets both libraries offer you a large collection of sounds and mood matching presets. When you quickly step through the presets you can be certain to find a matching or almost there sound. Alternative you need to reach out to choir or keys library and invest the time to shape the sound which will be more time-consuming. Time is short on any composers project so having access to a large presets and ready to go sounds is golden for any producer or composer.User interface & Usability

On the ARP tab, you can define various rhythmic arpeggiation settings for each channel. The Arp engine allows you to animate a sound by holding down more than one key. The arpeggiation then alters between the held keys according to your settings.

Voices Of Gaia is a dynamic and exploratory world, soundtrack and indie solo vocalist collection for Kontakt Player (VST, AU, AAX), featuring 4 outstanding singers ranging from baritone to mezzo-soprano. Each singer includes fundamental chromatic articulations like true legato, sustains, and staccatos as well as thousands of beautiful, dynamics live performance phrases in a variety of keys, tempos and styles. It features the voices of Francesca Genco, Linda Strawberry, Bryan Lane and Michael Peaslee. We recorded in a dry studio environment, using high dynamic range, large-diaphragm Neumann microphones and silent Sound Devices preamps to get maximum detail, clarity, and quality.

Voices Of Gaia includes chromatic true legato, sustains and staccatos for a selection of common vowels. It also comes packed with thousands of beautifully dynamic live performance phrases in various keys and tempos, with real-time step-sequencing, tempo control, start/end editing, category and key selection and more.

This note provides a summary of select provisions of the CARES Act. The keystone of the CARES Act is $500 billion in loans and loan guarantees to support certain hard hit industries specifically but a broader range of borrowers more generally. The Act also includes unemployment and other labor-related assistance to businesses and workers, more than $377 billion in federally guaranteed loans to small businesses, and tax provisions aimed at shoring up businesses.

This photo is the result of a three-colour composite mosaic image of the Eagle Nebula (Messier 16), based on 144 individual images obtained with the infrared multi-mode instrument ISAAC on the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) at the Paranal Observatory. At the centre, the so-called "Pillars of Creation" can be seen. This wide-field infrared image shows not only the central three pillars but also several others in the same star-forming region, as well as a huge number of stars in front of, in, or behind the Eagle Nebula. The cluster of bright blue stars to the upper right is NGC 6611, home to the massive and hot stars that illuminate the pillars.

Technical information: This image was made using the near-infrared camera ISAAC on the ESO 8.2-m VLT ANTU telescope on April 8 and May 8 - 10, 2001. The full field measures approximately 9.1 x 9.1 arcmin, covering roughly 17 x 17 light-years (5.3 x 5.3 pc) at the distance to the region (about 6,500 light-years or 2 kpc). This required a 16-position mosaic (4 x 4 grid) of ISAAC pointings : at each pointing, a series of images were taken in each of the near-infrared J s - (centred at 1.24 µm wavelength), H- (1.65µm), and K s - (2.16 µm) bands. North is up and East left.The total integration time for each pixel in the mosaic was 1200, 300, and 300 seconds in the central 4.5 x 4.5 arcmin region, and 200, 50, and 50 seconds in the outer part, in J s -, H-, and K s - bands, respectively. The seeing FWHM (full width at half maximum) was excellent, at 0.38, 0.36, and 0.33 arcsec in J s, H, and K s, respectively. Point sources are detected in the central region at the 3-sigma level (brightest pixel above background noise) at 22.6, 21.3, and 20.4 magnitudes in J s, H, and K s, respectively. These limits imply that a 1 million year old, 0.075 solar-mass object on the star/brown dwarf boundary could be detected in M16 through roughly 15, 20, and 30 magnitudes of visual extinction at J s, H, and K s, respectively.After removal of instrumental signatures and the bright infrared sky background, all frames in a given band were carefully aligned and adjusted to form a seamless mosaic. The three monochromatic mosaics were then scaled to the cube root of their intensities to reduce the enormous dynamic range and enhance faint nebular features. The mosaics were then combined to create the colour-coded image, with the J s -band being rendered as blue, the H-band as green, and the K s -band as red. A total of 144 individual 1024 x 1024 pixel ISAAC images were merged to form this mosaic. 2ff7e9595c

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